from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings, merge_key_bindings from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.basic import load_basic_bindings from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import prompt, PromptSession from prompt_toolkit.validation import Validator from rich.table import Table from rich.console import Console keybindings = load_basic_bindings() @keybindings.add('c-q') def exit_(event): """ Pressing 'c-q' will exit the application. """ exit(0) @keybindings.add('c-m') def open_menu(event): """ Pressing 'c-m' will open the menu. """ show_keybindings_menu() @keybindings.add('enter') def process_input(event): """ Pressing 'enter' will process the input. """ print(dir(event)) bindings_info = [ {"Key": "Ctrl-Q", "Action": "Exit the application"}, {"Key": "Ctrl-M", "Action": "Open the menu"}, ] def is_y_n(text): return text in ["y", "n", "Y", "N", ""] yes_no_validator = Validator.from_callable( is_y_n, error_message="Please enter 'y' or 'n'", move_cursor_to_end=True, ) def confirm(message: str = "Confirm?", suffix: str = " (y/n) \u276f ") -> bool: result = prompt(f"{message}{suffix}", validator=yes_no_validator) return result.lower() == "y" or result == "" console = Console() def show_keybindings_menu(): table = Table(title="Keybindings") table.add_column("Key", justify="right", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Action", style="magenta") for binding in bindings_info: table.add_row(binding["Key"], binding["Action"]) console.print(table) def main_menu(): session = PromptSession("\u276f ", key_bindings=keybindings) while True: show_keybindings_menu() user_input = session.prompt() console.print(f"You entered: {user_input}") result = confirm("Do you want to continue?") if not result: break if __name__ == "__main__": main_menu()