#!/usr/bin/env python3 """secure_client.py ---------------- A module to establish a non-verifying SSL connection with a server and to send/receive messages through a secure socket. Usage: Run the script to start a communication session with the server at "" on port 9001. Input messages in the console to send to the server and receive replies. Type a message with the content "quit" to close the connection. Functions: main(server_address: str, server_port: int): Initiates a secure socket communication session with the specified server. """ from socket import create_connection, socket from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT, CERT_NONE def main(server_address: str, server_port: int): context = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = CERT_NONE unsecure_socket: socket = create_connection((server_address, server_port)) secure_socket = context.wrap_socket( unsecure_socket ) # , server_hostname="localhost") while True: message = input() secure_socket.send(message.encode("utf-8")) reply = secure_socket.recv(len(message)) if reply == b"quit": break print(reply.decode("utf-8")) if __name__ == "__main__": main("", 9001)