import json from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Optional from jira import JIRA from jira.exceptions import JIRAError from jira.resources import Issue from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession from prompt_toolkit.completion import Completer, Completion from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import confirm from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style from prompt_toolkit.validation import ValidationError, Validator from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer from pygments.token import (Error, Keyword, Name, Operator, Punctuation, String, Text, Whitespace, _TokenType) from rich.console import Console from rich.text import Text as RichText class JQLLexer(RegexLexer): """ JQL Lexer for Pygments. """ name = "JQL" aliases = ["jql"] filenames = ["*.jql"] tokens = { "root": [ (r"\s+", Whitespace), (r'"', String, "string"), (r"'", String, "string"), ( r"(?i)\b(?:issueHistory|openSprints|watchedIssues|myApproval|myPending|currentLogin|currentUser|" r"membersOf|lastLogin|now|startOfDay|endOfDay|startOfWeek|endOfWeek|startOfMonth|endOfMonth|" r"startOfYear|endOfYear)\b", Name.Function, ), ( r"(?i)\b(?:A|AND|ARE|AS|AT|BE|BUT|BY|FOR|IF|INTO|IT|NO|OF|ON|OR|S|SUCH|T|THAT|THE|THEIR|THEN|" r"THERE|THESE|THEY|THIS|TO|WILL|WITH)\b", Keyword, ), ( r"(?i)\b(?:assignee|affectedVersion|attachments|category|comment|component|created|createdDate|" r"creator|cescription|due|duedate|filter|fixVersion|issuekey|issuetype|issueLinkType|labels|" r"lastViewed|priority|project|reporter|resolved|Sprint|status|statusCategory|summary|text|" r"timespent|updated|updatedDate|voter|watcher|watchers)\b", Name.Attribute, ), (r"(?i)(=|!=|<|>|<=|>=|~|!~|IN|NOT IN|IS|IS NOT|WAS|WAS IN|WAS NOT IN|WAS NOT)", Operator), (r"[\*\(/\^\.@;:+%#\[\|\?\),\$]", Punctuation), ( r"(?i)\b(?:QUANTUM|NEBULA|GALACTIC|STELLAR|AETHER|NOVA|COSMIC|LUNAR|ASTRAL|PHOTON)\b", Name.Other, ), (r"[\w\.\-]+", Text), ], "string": [ (r'"', String, "#pop"), (r"'", String, "#pop"), (r'[^"\']+', String), ], } class JQLStyles: """ JQL Styles for Pygments. Based on the Nord color palette: """ nord: Style = Style.from_dict( { "pygments.whitespace": "#FFFFFF", "pygments.keyword": "#81A1C1 bold", "pygments.operator": "#EBCB8B bold", "pygments.punctuation": "#BF616A", "": "#B48EAD", "": "#A3BE8C", "pygments.literal.string": "#D08770", "pygments.text": "#D8DEE9", "": "#D08770", "pygments.error": "#BF616A bold", } ) token: Dict[_TokenType, str] = { Whitespace: "#FFFFFF", Keyword: "#81A1C1 bold", Operator: "#EBCB8B bold", Punctuation: "#BF616A", Name.Attribute: "#B48EAD", Name.Function: "#A3BE8C", String: "#D08770", Text: "#D8DEE9", Error: "#BF616A bold", Name.Other: "#D08770", } completion: Dict[str, str] = { "Keywords": "#81A1C1 bold", "Functions": "#A3BE8C", "Attributes": "#B48EAD", "Operators": "#EBCB8B bold", "Projects": "#D08770", } completions: Dict[str, List[str]] = { "Keywords": [ "A", "AND", "ARE", "AS", "AT", "BE", "BUT", "BY", "FOR", "IF", "INTO", "IT", "NO", "NOT", "OF", "ON", "OR", "S", "SUCH", "T", "THAT", "THE", "THEIR", "THEN", "THERE", "THESE", "THEY", "THIS", "TO", "WILL", "WITH", ], "Functions": [ "issueHistory", "openSprints", "watchedIssues", "myApproval", "myPending", "currentLogin", "currentUser", "membersOf", "lastLogin", "now", "startOfDay", "endOfDay", "startOfWeek", "endOfWeek", "startOfMonth", "endOfMonth", "startOfYear", "endOfYear", ], "Attributes": [ "assignee", "affectedVersion", "attachments", "comment", "component", "created", "creator", "description", "due", "duedate", "filter", "fixVersion", "issuekey", "labels", "lastViewed", "priority", "project", "reporter", "resolved", "sprint", "status", "statusCategory", "summary", "text", "timespent", "updated", "voter", "watcher", ], "Operators": [ "=", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "~", "!~", "IN", "NOT IN", "IS", "IS NOT", "WAS", "WAS IN", "WAS NOT IN", "WAS NOT", ], "Projects": [ "QUANTUM", "NEBULA", "GALACTIC", "STELLAR", "AETHER", "NOVA", "COSMIC", "LUNAR", "ASTRAL", "PHOTON", ], } class JQLPrinter: """ JQL Printer to print JQL queries with syntax highlighting. """ def __init__(self, console: Console): self.console = console def print(self, text: str): """ Print JQL query with syntax highlighting. """ self.console.print(self.pygments_to_rich(text), end="") def pygments_to_rich(self, text): """ Convert Pygments tokens to RichText. """ tokens = list(JQLLexer().get_tokens(text)) rich_text = RichText() for token_type, value in tokens: style = JQLStyles.token.get(token_type, "white") rich_text.append(value, style=style) return rich_text class JQLValidator(Validator): """ JQL Validator to validate JQL queries. """ def __init__(self, jira_instance): self.jira = jira_instance def validate(self, document): """ Validate JQL query. """ text = document.text if text.lower() == "b" or text.lower() == "exit": return try: self.jira.search_issues(text, maxResults=1) except JIRAError as error: error_text = error.response.json().get("errorMessages", ["Unknown error"])[0] raise ValidationError(message=f"[!] {error_text}", cursor_position=len(text)) class JQLCompleter(Completer): """Custom JQL completer to categorize and color completions.""" def __init__(self, categorized_completions): self.categorized_completions = categorized_completions def get_completions(self, document, complete_event): text = document.get_word_before_cursor().lower() for category, words in self.categorized_completions.items(): for word in words: if text in word.lower(): display_text = f"{word}" yield Completion( word, start_position=-len(text), display=display_text, display_meta=category, style=f"fg: #D8DEE9 bg: {JQLStyles.completion.get(category, 'white')}", selected_style=f"fg: {JQLStyles.completion.get(category, 'white')} bg: #D8DEE9", ) def load_config(): with open("config.json") as json_file: try: with open("config.json") as json_file: return json.load(json_file) except FileNotFoundError: print("Configuration file not found.") exit(1) except json.JSONDecodeError: print("Error decoding configuration file.") exit(1) class JQLPrompt: """ JQL Prompt to interact with JIRA using JQL queries. """ def __init__(self, jira): self.jira: JIRA = jira self.console: Console = Console(color_system="truecolor", record=True) self.session: PromptSession = self.create_jql_prompt_session() self.jql: JQLPrinter = JQLPrinter(self.console) self.query_count: int = 0 self.issue_count: int = 0 self.total_issue_count: int = 0 self.issues: List[Issue] = [] def get_query_count(self): space = self.console.width // 3 query_count_str = f"Query Count: {self.query_count}" if self.query_count else "" issue_count_str = f"Issues Added: {self.issue_count}" if self.issue_count else "" total_issue_count_str = f"Total Issues: {self.total_issue_count}" if self.total_issue_count else "" plain_text = f"{query_count_str:^{space}}{issue_count_str:^{space}}{total_issue_count_str:^{space}}" return [("bg:#2E3440 #D8DEE9", plain_text)] def create_jql_prompt_session(self): completer: JQLCompleter = JQLCompleter(completions) return PromptSession( message=[("#B48EAD", "JQL \u276f ")], lexer=PygmentsLexer(JQLLexer), style=JQLStyles.nord, completer=completer, validator=JQLValidator(self.jira), rprompt=[ ("#5E81AC bold", "[b] Back "), ("#BF616A bold", "[exit] Exit"), ], bottom_toolbar=self.get_query_count, validate_while_typing=False, ) def prompt(self) -> Optional[List[Issue]]: """ Prompt the user for a JQL query. Returns: Optional[List[Issue]]: List of JIRA issues. """ user_input: str = self.session.prompt() self.issue_count = 0 if not user_input: do_empty_query = confirm( [("#EBCB8B bold", "[?] "), ("#D8DEE9 bold", "Do you want to perform an empty query?")], suffix=[("#81A1C1 bold", " (Y/n) ")], ) if not do_empty_query: return if user_input.lower() == "b": return if user_input.lower() == "exit": exit(0) issues = self.jira.search_issues(user_input) if issues: self.query_count += 1 self.console.print( RichText.assemble( (f"[+] Found {len(issues)} issues from JQL query: ", "#A3BE8C bold"), self.jql.pygments_to_rich(user_input), ), end="", ) return issues self.console.print("[!] No issues found.", style="#BF616A bold") def multi_prompt(self) -> Optional[List[Issue]]: """ Prompt the user for multiple JQL queries. Returns: Optional[List[Issue]]: List of JIRA issues. """ self.issues = [] while True: try: issues = self.prompt() if issues: issues = [issue for issue in issues if issue not in self.issues] self.issues.extend(issues) self.issue_count += len(issues) self.total_issue_count += len(issues) self.console.print(f"[ℹ] Total issues: {len(self.issues)}", style="#D8DEE9") get_more = confirm([("#A3BE8C", "[?] Get more issues?")], suffix=[("#81A1C1 bold", " (Y/n) ")]) if not get_more: break except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): break if self.issues: self.console.print(f"[+] Issues added: {self.total_issue_count}", style="#A3BE8C bold") return self.issues self.console.print("[!] No issues added.", style="#BF616A bold") def save_log(self): """ Save the console log to a file. """ log_time ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") with open(f"jql_{log_time}.txt", "w") as log_file: log_file.write(self.console.export_text()) """ [+] for additions [-] for deletions [~] for changes [<] for incoming [>] for outgoing [✔] for success [✖] for failure [⚠] for warnings [?] for questions [!] for errors [ℹ] for information """ def main(): config = load_config() jira = JIRA(server=config["server"], basic_auth=(config["username"], config["token"])) prompt = JQLPrompt(jira) prompt.multi_prompt() if __name__ == "__main__": main()